Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bad luck, allergic reactions, why am I crying so damn much?!

I promise, this year has been so crazy. Sometimes I think I have the worst luck. But I have to tell myself not to think crazy negative thoughts like that. I think the end of last year was just all wrong. First with the car accident in October, which I'm still recovering from then in December I had began to have the most demonic toothache ever. I tried to get into the dentist but the office under my insurance had crazy days of operation. I had to switch to someone new. Luckily I was able to pick out another dentist who had awesome hours but then after everything was taken care of, I find out that she is out of the country until the last week of January. I didn't want to change dentist again because it takes a month to go through so I figured I could wait it out till she got back. Well the toothache went from demonic to bat shit crazy. Once I got in to see the dentist she said it had to be pulled and prescribed me an antibiotic. I didn't really care about the tooth being taken, its just a wisdom but I wanted all the pain to stop. I'm going to go on record right now and say TOOTHACHES ARE THE WORST PAIN IN THE WORLD! Yep, and trust me, I've been in some serious pain in my life. I actually cried myself to sleep one night because it was hurting so bad and no one or nothing makes me cry my own tears especially some rude tooth that I have housed since I was 11 years old and treated very nicely I might add.

But I digress, I thought everything was going to be fine, I would take the antibiotics and after a day or two the pain would stop then I could have that sucker pulled. Well, on day two of the antibiotics I woke up with this weird rash on my right hand. I was so out of it that I actually thought maybe I slept on it wrong or something. As I started to wake up a little more I noticed it was on my arm too and I wasn't feeling too good. My mom, who has had allergic reactions before told me to stop taking the medicine and call the dentist. The dentist told me to take Benadryl for two days and I would be fine and to stop taking the antibiotic. Well two days later I was actually worse. The rash/hives had spread EVERYWHERE on my body, my hands and legs were so swollen and super red. It hurt to walk, talk, move, and I felt like my entire body was on fire. I didn't know what to do so I got up and went to the ER. I was scared. I actually looked like some type of reptile alien. They checked me out in the ER and gave me a huge dose of this steroid called Prednisone. Now if you have ever heard of this drug then you know it is a serious drug. I was hesitant about taking it at first because when I was younger I was very sick and had to take it. Not only did it make me crazy depressed but it destroyed the muscle in both my legs and I could not walk, I blew up like a balloon, and I suffered from a major adrenal crisis which landing me in ICU for some weeks. The doctor said I only had to take it for 10 days. Right after the first dose I felt better, not 100% but way better than I had been feeling.

The next day is when I started to feel like I had all those years ago taking this medicine. I'm now depressed and crying... A lot.... Remember what I said about someone or something making me cry my own tears, not cool.  The medicine is a miracle worker but very dangerous. I'm on day 5 so only 5 more to go. I also have to take a new antibiotic which I'm not allergic to. So all in all, this has been a terrible horrible no good very bad week. I am feeling better. I can finally type without it hurting so much. It is amazing how much we use our finger tips to do stuff. Mine have been feeling like someone is constantly smashing them with a hammer whenever I grab or hold something. Its good to feel better, now I just have to get back into my old routine which I think is going to be a little difficult. Being in that much pain really takes a toll on your body. I am so tired. I feel like I need another week just to catch up on rest and let my body finish healing but its back to my grind tomorrow. Then I will be getting back into working out and killing off these last several pounds. I'm ready, so let's go!

Oh and I did finally get that pesky tooth pulled. I showed it to my other teeth just in case they were thinking about acting up in the future ;)