Saturday, February 11, 2012

25 days of Beachbody Challenge & Loving Me!

I started my Beachbody Challenge on 1/17/2012. I did not think that 25 days later my stomach would have gone down as much as it has, my arms, my legs, I feel AMAZING! I decided to do TurboFire again and I've also been incorporating some other quick little workouts (12 mins) here and there for toning. Combine Shakeology to the mix and you have got SUCCESS in the bag for losing weight.

I've been drinking no less than 64ozs of water a day and I've been eating clean. Nothing special, I have Shakeology for breakfast, then a couple hours later I'll have a snack (maybe an egg over medium and a piece of toast or a piece of fruit), a couple hours later I'll have lunch which is usually a salad or a sandwich, maybe some grilled chicken and veggies. I follow that with another snack a couple hours later and dinner 2-3 hours after that, making sure to never eat 3 hours before I lay down for sleepy time.

I think the hardest part of the past 25 days has been giving up soda. I love Pepsi and I actually craved it so bad one day that I drank 4ozs just to chill out lol. Cravings happen and if after drinking some water and waiting 20 minutes, if that craving is still in full effect then I just say OK I'll have a little and that is it. I'm not saying do that everyday, luckily cravings don't happen that often.

Emotionally, I have been a little bit of a mess these last 25 days but working out has helped TREMENDOUSLY! I've been a little sick and usually when that happens I stop working out and deal with it but this time I pushed through. I didn't put myself at risk and I did listen to my body. On days where I was like there is no way this is going to happen then I called it a rest day and took to the bed. I've done a lot of thinking and a lot of crying and I really believe that this is part of my process. I'm finally focused enough to make this change into a healthier lifestyle and for me that has been making realization about my life. I've shed tears, pounds and inches, baggage, negativity, and I can feel the new me emerging every single day.

I think I feel what people mean when they say 'you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else or allow anyone else to love you' (something like that). I can feel that love I have for myself, by taking care of me and putting good things into my body and allowing everything to function as it should. I think 2012 is going to be an amazing year and the new Lisa is going to do awesome things!

Until next time!