Thursday, October 21, 2010

Postponing TurboFire workouts due to car accident.

This has been a crazy week. Sunday night I was already to restart TurboFire this week and complete the entire program no matter what. Monday morning on the way to work, I was actually getting geeked up just thinking about it. I haven't worked out in a few weeks so I was looking forward to those yummy endorphins you get after. 

I was on the expressway when all of a sudden two cars in front of me stopped out of nowhere. Luckily I was able to break in time and didn't hit the car in front of me. Unluckily..... the car behind slammed into me. After everything was squared away with the police, I got in my car (still drivable) and went to work. Once I got there, my neck started to bother me. After a couple of hours, it went from bothering me to full on hurting. I had to leave work and go to the emergency room just to make sure everything was ok. Nothing is broken but I have a cervical strain. The muscles and ligaments in my neck stretched and the muscles in my upper shoulder spasmed. Its been very painful and I can't workout which has upset me. I haven't been able to go to work and I've been home pretty much bored out of my mind. 

I'm glad I'm ok and that no one else was hurt in the car accident. I'm hoping by next week I'll be able to start working out, if not then I'll just have to postpone until the week after next. Resting up and getting better is most important right now.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Getting Back on Track.

It's been a little over a month and things have not been going as planned. But hey, that's life. Things never really go as we plan sometimes. Work has been super hectic and I was left so mentally drained and that is very exhausting. 

When I last checked in here, my mom had just started working out with me. That lasted for a couple of weeks and then everything went crazy-sauce. I never thought my job would be so crazy but with viruses on the loose and every one's computer seeming to want to break at the same time..... things got NUTS! Our jobs can cause so much stress sometimes which can interfere with our health. Working out is a great way to release stress but when you are mentally drained, it seems like nothing can get done. I've been tired to the point where my body has been exhausted but I could always tell myself to move past it because our minds are stronger than our bodies. We can do anything that we put our minds to but when your mind is drained, you can't function. 

I was trying to keep up with working out, two or three times a week, but it became so difficult do. I knew I had to just relax and let my mind rest. So I took some time off from working out. I was still drinking Shakeology everyday but I knew I needed a break. Sometimes we all need a break and there is nothing wrong with that. I didn't want to get to the point where I felt burnt out. 

As things started calming down a bit at work and I felt rested, I knew it was time to get back in the game. Even though I've lost about 20lbs, I still haven't hit my goal. I can see very clear now, more clear than I've ever been able to see it and that is because I'm surrounded by this community, Beachbody, that has so many wonderful, positive people that are will to help and motivate me right to that finish line. I've decided to start Turbo Fire over from week one, starting tomorrow (10-18-10). I know that this time, I can do this. I'll take it one week at a time and if work starts to get crazy-sauce again....... well, I'll just worry about that bridge if I need to cross it. 

I know it is going to be difficult getting back on track. For the past few weeks, I've been coming home from work, relaxing, and trying not to think about anything. But hey, the way I look at is if everything was easy then what would drive us to be GREAT individuals? As my favorite quote goes: "Change happens when the pain of change is greater than the pleasure of staying the same".