Working out shouldn't be a chore. I mean yeah, you have to get up and get moving and sweat but think about it... When you are doing something you love doing, you don't look at it as a chore. You don't care about how much you move or sweat because you are doing something that you find enjoyable.
It wasn't hard for me to find my soul-mate workout. I've always loved to move to music and dance. If it had been in the stars, I probably would have been a dancer (contemporary & hip-hop). Anytime I hear an upbeat song, I'm up dancing, I don't care how tied I am or sad, depressed. Music and dancing are like LOVE to me.
When I first started my fitness journey I knew that walking/running on a treadmill was NOT going to be for me. I knew I would have to find something where I could listen to upbeat music and dance my booty off. I joined a gym and instantly fell in LOVE with Turbo Kick. Awesome music that you can find on my iPod and lots of bustin' moves. There's jabs, punches, upper cuts, round house kicks. I LOVE it! I feel like I'm having fun while kicking ass to a soundtrack haha. Now I've moved on to bigger things, TurboFire. Oh yes... I can feel the sweat just thinking about it. Talk about kicking ass. When I'm in TurboFire mode.... you might as well call me beastly!!
My point, working out doesn't have to be a daunting task. Just finding your soul-mate workout will take losing weight and getting into shape to a whole new level.
So what motivates you to get moving? Maybe you like running as a hobby. You can take that and turn it into a hell of a workout.
Think about things you enjoy doing that involves movement.
Checkout some of Beachbody workout programs, watch the videos at it's always good to research different workout programs. Workout programs from Beachbody offer a complete program with several workouts, a nutrient guide, and a workout schedule. You do everything from cardio to strength training, stretching, etc. With this, your body will not plateau and you WILL see results by the end of the program.
Finding the workout that is meant for you will taking working out to a whole new level and change your life!
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