Monday, October 22, 2012

Next Challenge: Les Mills PUMP

My next fitness challenge starts Today!
Les Mills 90 Day Weight Lifting Program.

When it comes to weight lifting, changing your body and building muscle, popular belief suggest that in order to achieve the best results you should overload your muscles with heavy weights lifted at a low rate of repetition to bring your muscles to fatigue.
It is true that in order to change your body, muscle fatigue is necessary but Les Mills Pump uses The Rep Effect to achieve MAXIMUM results. The Rep Effect fatigues the muscles by using light to moderate weights lifted at a higher rate of repetition. By using The Rep Effect you achieve more meaningful fat loss and fatigue the muscles to build strength without building bulk to create a sleeker and stronger physique.

Long time no blog….

I felt that a blog update was deserved for the new journey I’m about to embark on. So here goes:
For several months I have been going back and forth. Debating, pondering, weighing my options. I wouldn’t say it was a tough decision. I knew I wanted to do this but I wanted to make sure it was right for me and that I would be able to fully commit to it once I started. 

It’s no secret that I have been going through the motions with my weight for years and it wasn’t until about 2-3 years ago that I actually started to feel more comfortable in my skin and that was when I became a Beachbody coach. Being a coach has not only given me a secondary income but it has also introduced me to some amazing people and amazing products. These products along with the things I’ve learned while being a coach has contributed to my confidence in a big way. 

More recently, I’ve noticed that my confidence has been lacking a bit lately. That saying ‘Shit Happens’…. FACTS! That saying has been my life for the past 5 months, maybe longer. My last job, I would use the word hate but I’m sure whatever feelings I had towards it, hate would not come close to describing it. I was so stressed that I was working out to offset the stress but whenever you are as miserable as I was in any part of your life, everything is going to be thrown out of whack. My weight completely stopped and I hit a plateau. Now that I have a new job and the stress is pretty much gone I have found peace but with that peace has come about 10lbs. I don’t know how it happened but I do know that it happened quickly! I guess the happier I am the more I eat? Lol. 

The moment I realized that I had gone back to my old lazy self, Lisa before Beachbody, the Lisa I told myself I would never be again. That was a miserable day for me. Thinking about all the hard work I had done to lose weight and then to gain back 10lbs so quickly… That is when I started weighing my options, I knew I had to get back to working out like I had been but I also knew that going back to just my soul-mate workout Turbo Fire was not going to do it. I have 30lbs (used to be 20lbs but we won’t talk about that anymore) to hit my goal weight so that means my high intense cardio love is going to need something to kick it up a notch. My coach Kristy has been telling me for the longest that weight lifting will help me in so many ways and for the longest I’ve felt like I am not the weight lifting kind of girl, that I just wouldn’t be able to do it. It’s that exact way of thinking that gets a lot of us into the mindset that we are not good enough when that is a lie! 

So I had a true golden moment of growth. You know what that is right? A moment where you keep telling yourself ‘I can’t do it… I’m not good enough… Why am I even bothering?…’ and then you wake up and realize, ‘why the hell would I choose failure when success is an option?!’. You push through and in that special moment you grow for the better. You grow stronger and become more confident in yourself and your abilities to handle situations.  This is where confidence is created, strength is formed, and you become this person that you never dreamed you could be and do things you never imaged. 

I had my golden moment of growth when I realized that failure will NOT be my option because I have the tools, everything I need to succeed with any goal I set for myself.
So starting today I begin a 90 day weight lifting program called Les Mills Pump. Here we go!