Friday, January 28, 2011

Getting Back To The Old Me.....

So its been about four months since I last worked out, intensely worked out. Being in a car accident is very stressful. Not only on your mind but your body too. I have been healing physically and mentally and it has been a rough and painful road. It is going to take some time to get back to where I was (working out 6 days a week hardcore) but it is not a race. I did gain some weight back and let me tell you, it was very depressing. I actually started thinking that I wouldn't ever be able to reach my goal and I NEVER wanted to think that way again. I made myself realize quick that all the negative thoughts would never get me to where I wanted to be or even close to where I was. I talked to my chiropractor and he said it was ok for me to start working out but very slowly and very easy. I then talked to my coach Kristy who I LOVE! She is awesome. I always feel better after talking to her. She introduced me to Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Challenge. This challenge helps you to organize your life and achieve any goal you can dream of. It is AMAZING! I'm on day 13 and already my life is a little less stressful. I have always been one to think that I could get so much more done if I had more hours in the day. Well... I actually didn't need more hours, I just need a system for getting everything I wanted done.... well done lol. And this is exactly what this 30 day challenge is about. I would recommend it to ANYONE. I'm actually going to try to get my mom to do it. I will be helping her lose weight while I'm on my journey as well and this challenge would help her a lot with reaching her fitness goals.

It may take a month, maybe 6 months but I will get there. All negative thoughts, I'm turning them into positive affirmations. We are our own worst enemies and until we take charge of our lives and not choose failure when success is an option... we will stay unhappy, sad, and depressed. Who wants to live the rest of their life feeling that way? I know I don't.

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