Monday, March 14, 2011

Turbo Fire day 1 COMPLETED!

I officially started Turbo Fire over again today. I was a bit worried that I wasn't going to make it through the workout because I did a few of the classes last week and could only make it through 10-15 minutes before my shoulder started to bother me but I did the entire class (Fire 30 class) tonight. I felt amazing. It helped that I had a crappy day at work today and needed to get some of my frustrations out in jabs and kicks so I was in intense mode. 

I took a day 1 picture which I'm honestly not ready to show until I take my day 30 picture lol. I lost 20lbs over the summer doing round 1 of Turbo Fire and I didn't gain that much back when I wasn't working out due to the car accident but looking at my day 1 picture from today.... I was not happy at all. I think that kinda fueled me to push through the workout tonight too. So whenever I feel like I'm too tired to workout or just being lazy, I am going to look at that picture and think about what I'm striving for, think about how amazing it is going to feel to snap another picture every 30 days and see my hard work, and think about how much my story just might help someone else to push through and complete their workout goals. On that note, I'll finish with my favorite quote: "Change happens when the pain of change is greater than the pleasure of staying the same."

Friday, March 11, 2011

These 12 Weeks Ahead....

So the past week has been pretty decent. I've worked out a total of 5 times this week. I've only been able to do about 20 minutes before my shoulder (from car injury) starts to bother me. Next week I am officially starting Turbo Fire over AGAIN. Can I do it this time? Oh YEAH! I've been keeping a to-do list for about a month and a half now and its made me crazy productive. I getting things done like never before. I also have a little motivation because at the end of July I will be attending my 10 year High School reunion. I want to look... Naw.. change that, I WILL look good. so I have these next 12 weeks. I will be posting weekly updates here and videos on YouTube.
Lets so what happens :)

Until next time.....