Friday, March 11, 2011

These 12 Weeks Ahead....

So the past week has been pretty decent. I've worked out a total of 5 times this week. I've only been able to do about 20 minutes before my shoulder (from car injury) starts to bother me. Next week I am officially starting Turbo Fire over AGAIN. Can I do it this time? Oh YEAH! I've been keeping a to-do list for about a month and a half now and its made me crazy productive. I getting things done like never before. I also have a little motivation because at the end of July I will be attending my 10 year High School reunion. I want to look... Naw.. change that, I WILL look good. so I have these next 12 weeks. I will be posting weekly updates here and videos on YouTube.
Lets so what happens :)

Until next time.....

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