Friday, November 2, 2012

Weight Loss Misconception #1:

‘If I don't eat breakfast or have something small like a piece of fruit, I'll lose weight’. WRONG!  

Skipping breakfast is the number 1 reason why people are overweight and/or have a hard time trying to lose weight. 

If you’re not fueling your body and eating breakfast within an hour or two of waking up then your metabolism is not doing what it needs to do to help your body burn calories so you can burn fat and lose weight. 

Skipping breakfast or having something small like a piece of fruit is not the answer. When you skip meals or hardly eat, your body thinks that something is wrong and goes into starvation mode. Your body pretty much panics and says 'ok I'm not getting any of the nutrients I need so something is wrong and I need to hold on to anything and everything that comes my way so I don't starve to death'. 

When this happens, your body starts to store fat to protect itself. Storing fat = not losing fat/weight
Also, skipping/skimping on breakfast will have you so starved by lunch time, it will cause you to over eat and crave unhealthy foods. 

Eating breakfast is even more important when you are working out.
If you are working out then your body definitely needs the calories to fuel your body. Think of it this way, can your car move without gas? If you don’t fuel the tank then the car doesn’t drive right?

Do not think less is more because in this case it is NOT!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you want something that is high in fiber and has protein in it. Eating a proper breakfast will get your metabolism going and start you off right for the day so that you are not craving unhealthy foods or over eating throughout the day. 

If you need someone to help you get in shape then message me (
I can keep you accountable and give you information and tips on how to lose weight the right way.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

