Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My body, what it means to me, and other mumbo jumbo...

We all have those times when we just aren't feeling it. That little voice in our heads tells us 'why are you doing this? lets be lazy' or it may say 'hey, let's go get some pizza, a cheeseburger, and some cheese fries and wash all that down with a 32oz Pepsi.' That little voice is annoying as hell. I can't stand that little voice. And that little voice is not just there to try to deter you away from exercising or eating healthy... that little voice is ALWAYS there to try to keep you from doing more in life period. Now you may say, 'Lisa, what's doing more?' Well, I'll tell you since you asked so nicely.... Doing more is about going beyond what is expected to live in this life. Anyone can go about their everyday lives doing the bare minimum to survive, that's easy. The challenge is pushing yourself to do more, doing what some can't or just simply won't because its too 'hard' or a 'waste of time'. One of my favorite quotes (and if you follow me on twitter you'll see it a lot) is "Change happens when the pain of change is greater than the pleasure of staying the same." It's so easy for us to get comfortable with where we are in life because we don't have to do anything but continue to do what we've been doing, which is some cases is nothing. But those of us who strive to do more, we are the ones who want that change so bad that we don't care how hard it is or what needs to be done to achieve it because staying the same is so miserable that we would have to be out of our minds to choose failure when success is an option (LOVE Jillian Michaels' quote).

So when it comes to my body, I see it like this...
We are given this one body for our entire lives, why wouldn't we want to take care of it? I think back to days when I fed my body crap everyday, all day. I think about times I spent laying on the couch or in bed on beautiful sunny days, not getting any kind of exercise. Why would I treat myself like that? Especially after all my body had been through from being sick when I was younger. It's kinda funny (like ironic funny not haha funny) when you think about it, we all want to be loved by someone so badly, its true. You may say you don't want to be loved by anyone but if you say it, you're a liar lol. Everyone wants to be loved and be wanted by someone in this life, it's human nature. But one question that always seems to plague me is... Why are we willing to go above and beyond for someone to love us and not willing to do a damn thing to love ourselves? I know.... I know you're saying 'Lisa, I love myself I don't know what the hell you're talking about' and you may be right. But some are wrong because you can't claim to love yourself and then turn right around and go do something crazy and stupid to your body, to yourself. Until we learn to do for ourselves and truly love ourselves... how can we expect anyone else to take the time and love us back? 

Our bodies or so important, so very important. So when I'm updating my status or twittering about me working out or something good I've done for myself, I'm just sharing with the world how much I love me. And LOVING myself feels pretty damn awesome. If you haven't tried truly loving yourself then you should, I would definitely recommend it!

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