Friday, May 13, 2011

Fit Tip: Writing Down What You Eat!

When I first started working out last year, I was killing my workouts but I was not eating as healthy as I could have been. It was hard for me to remember what I ate throughout the day. I work 10 hours so when I was hungry I would just run to the kitchen or vending machine and grab something and go right back to my desk. I would always miss breakfast which is a big no-no. Doing this, I was not seeing results as quickly as I should have been for how active I was.

It was not until I received Turbo Fire last year that I started writing down everything I ate. Whether it was a piece of gum or a mint, I wrote it down. It was easy because I had a Turbo Tracker which is pretty much a journal for everything you eat. You write it down, calculate the calories if you want, write down the times you're eating at, and watch the pounds drop.

Even when I had to stop working out for a few months after I was in a car accident, I kept a food journal. I wrote down everything and I honestly believe that's why I did not gain back all the weight I had lost. I did gain back about 5-8lbs back but that was to be expected since I was not able to be as active. But, I still kept off the other 12-15 pounds.

The trick, you have to eat every 2-3 hours and eat within an hour or two of waking up. Eating this often will prevent you from getting to the point of starving. When you feel starved, you reach for the closest edible object and chow down, you really don't care what it is when those hunger pangs are hitting you. Eating every 2-3 hours should give you about 5-6 meals a day and that's including snacks and eating within an hour or two of waking up will rev up your metabolism.

Keeping a food journal will help you see what you should not be eating and what you should be eating. When I first started my journal, I noticed that I really needed to eat breakfast. By the time I got to lunch I was consuming WAY too much because I was so hungry. If you are not eating until lunch time, your metabolism is way out of whack like mine was. I then started to notice once I started eating breakfast then having a snack a couple of hours later, I wasn't as hungry by lunch time and I made smarter choices. My body literally craved healthier foods. Now keep in mind that I was also working out and I have a theory that when you are working out your body pretty much tells you to eat better lol. This could be false but for my body I believe it's true.

You can also see what you are missing from your diet by keeping a food journal, whether it's fruits and vegetables or protein and fiber. I highly recommend trying this for at least 2 or 3 weeks and seeing if you notice a difference. You should feel more energized and you will probably notice your clothes fitting a little looser.

Check out my video below for more info.

Until next time....

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